Technical Announcements 2007

2007-015 Archaeological and Biological Analysis of World War II Shipwrecks in the Gulf of Mexico: Artificial Reef Effect in Deepwater
2007-019 Mixtures of Metals and Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons May Elicit Complex, Nonadditive Toxicological Interactions
2007-022 Full-Water Column Current Observations in the Central Gulf of Mexico
2007-030 Incorporation of Gulf of Mexico Benthic Survey Data into the Ocean Biogeographic Information System
2007-031 Idle Iron in the Gulf of Mexico
2007-033 Cooperative Research to Study Dive Patters of Sperm Whales in the Atlantic Ocean
2007-034 Competition and Performance in Oil and Gas Lease Sales and Development in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, 1983-1999
2007-035 Seafloor Characteristics and Distribution Patterns of Lophelia pertusaand Other Sessile Megafauna at Two Upper-Slope Sitesin the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico
2007-044 Characterization of Northern Gulf of MexicoDeepwater Hard-Bottom Communities with Emphasis on Lophelia Coral
2007-056 Full-Water Column Currents Near the Sigsbee Escarpment(91-92ºW. Longitude) and Relationships with the Loop Currentand Associated Warm- and Cold-Core Eddie
2007-061 Study of Barite Solubility and the Release of Trace Componentsto the Marine Environment
2007-067 Year 2005 Gulfwide Emissions Inventory Study
2007-068 User's Guide for the 2008 Gulfwide Offshore Activities Data System (GOADS-2008)

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