Technical Announcements 2006

2006-005 Fidelity of Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) to Petroleum Platformsand Artificial Reefs in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Final Report
2006-011 Sustainable Community in Oil and Gas Country, Final Report
2006-022 Deepwater Gulf of Mexico 2006: America's Expanding Frontier
2006-028 Degradation of Synthetic-Based Drilling Mud Base Fluids by Gulf of Mexico Sediments Final Report
2006-030 Accounting for Socioeconomic Change from Offshore Oil and Gas: Cumulative Effects on Louisiana's Coastal Parishes, 1969-2000
2006-034 Sperm Whale Seismic Study in the Gulf of Mexico; Summary Report: 2002-2004
2006-035 Long-Term Monitoring at the East and West Flower Garden BanksNational Marine Sanctuary, 2002-2003
2006-036 Study to Conduct National Register of Historic Places Evaluations of Submerged Sites on the Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf: Final Report
2006-037 Effects of Depth, Location, and Habitat Type on Relative Abundance and Species Composition of Fishes Associated with Petroleum Platforms and Sonnier Bank in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Final Report (Coastal Marine Institute)
Effects of Oil and Gas Exploration and Development at Selected Continental Slope Sites in the Gulf of Mexico;Volume I: Executive Summary; Volume II: Technical Report; Volume III: Appendices
2006-063 Economic Effects of Petroleum Prices and Production in the Gulf of Mexico OCS on the U.S. Gulf Coast Economy
2006-064 Capital Investment Decisionmaking and Trends in Petroleum Resource Development in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico
2006-067 Sperm Whale Seismic Study in the Gulf of MexicoAnnual Report: Years 3 and 4
2006-069 Estimated Oil and Gas Reserves, Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf, December 31, 2003
2006-071 Annotated Bibliography of the Potential Environmental Impacts of Chlorination and Disinfection Byproducts Relevant to Offshore Liquefied Natural Gas Port Facilities
2006-072  Mica Shipwreck Project Report: Deepwater Archaeological Investigation of a 19th Century Shipwreck in the Gulf of Mexico
Exploratory Study of Deepwater Currents in the Gulf of MexicoVolume I: Executive Summary and Volume II: Technical Report

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