Alaska Region F&F Survey 14-04

SAExploration Inc. 
Cook Inlet, 2014


SAExploration Inc. (SAE) has submitted an application for a permit to conduct an ocean-bottom-node, marine seismic survey to acquire 3D seismic data using an airgun array as the energy source in the Cook Inlet Outer Continental Shelf Planning Area.  The proposed permit activity is planned to start September 1 and be completed by August 31, 2015, with no operations being conducted between December 5, 2014 and January 30, 2015. Survey Area Map

For additional information, contact BOEM Alaska Region's Resource Evaluation Office at (907) 334-5320.

October 10, 2014: The Alaska Region Resource Evaluation Office receives notice that the proposed activity has been deferred. Permit application 14-04 will be closed out and the deferred activity will be designated as a 2015 permit.

April 21, 2014: The application submitted by SAExploration Inc. to BOEM’s Alaska Region for a G&G Permit to conduct seismic exploration activities is deemed complete.  The proposed survey is designated OCS Permit 14-04.  Review of the proposed activity begins, including National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review.