On March 1, 2012, ConocoPhillips proposed a plan to drill exploration wells, beginning in the summer of 2014, on leases the company maintains in the Chukchi Sea. Under federal regulations [30 CFR 250.231], BOEM’s Alaska Region was required to review the exploration plan, and either deem it submitted or request additional information from ConocoPhillips, by March 22. Upon reviewing the plan BOEM determined that it required additional information, and requested this information from ConocoPhillips. BOEM will not release copies of the plan until the bureau receives the additional information requested, and deems the exploration plan submitted. When and if the plan is deemed submitted, it will be posted to this page. After a plan is deemed submitted, BOEM will have 30 days to approve, reject or require modification to the exploration plan. The exploration plan must be approved before a company can operate under the plan. Questions about the process may be directed toward the Alaska OCS Region at (907) 334-5200.