Each Region's Environmental Sciences Section has an Environmental Studies Program (links below), initiated in 1973, to gather and synthesize environmental, social, and economic information to support decision-making.
You can learn more about activities of the Gulf of Mexico Region's (GOM) Environmental Studies Program, and view or download studies, papers, and publications, by using the links below.
Topics of Interest:
- Reevaluating the Submerged Paleoindian Landscape of the Gulf of Mexico Workshop: The workshop will be held at 1201 Elmwood Park Blvd, New Orleans-October 16-18, 2018.
- Archaeology in the Gulf of Mexico: About historic shipwrecks (including teacher's resources), links to surveys, reports, papers, regulations, guidelines
Papers, publications, reports, studies:
- Catalog of GOM-related publications
- Environmental Studies Program Information System (ESPIS): Searchable database of completed environmental studies, not limited to the GOM
- Proceedings of Information Transfer Meetings
- Ongoing studies administered by the GOM
- Contract Report Specifications and Technical Summary Specifications
- Studies Development Plans: Study plans and studies proposed for future funding.
The Coastal Marine Institute at Louisiana State University, which carries out a portion of the GOM's environmental research through a cooperative agreement, is coordinated by the GOM's Environmental Studies Program. Ongoing and completed CMI studies are available on the GOM and CMI Web page.