Studies Completed in Fiscal Year 2021

AK-13-03-24 Microbial Biodegradation of Alaska North Slope Crude Oil in Arctic Marine Sediments
AK-15-07 Field Evaluation of an Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) for Studying Cetacean Distribution, Density, and Habitat Use in the Arctic
AK-16-01 Aerial Surveys of Arctic Marine Mammals (ASAMM); Personnel and Aircraft Needs
NT-13-05-05 Marine Arctic Ecosystems Study (MARES) Pilot Program Task 5; Biophysical and Chemical Observations II
NT-14-01 Continued archiving of Outer Continental Shelf invertebrates by the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History
NT-15-03 Managing Dredge Impacts by Optimizing the Use of Sand Resources
NT-17-01 Use of Satellite Data for Offshore Air Quality Applications
PC-15-07 Cross-shelf Habitat Suitability Modeling

AK-18-x12 Oil Spill Occurrence Estimators for Onshore and Offshore Crude and Refined Oil Spills on the Alaska North Slope and Cook Inlet, Alaska
AT-17-01 Using Nanotags to Measure Shorebird and Bat Responses to Offshore Wind Turbines
AT-17-03 Southern New England Ventless Trap Survey and Lobster Seasonal Movement
GM-14-03-11 Offshore Oil and Gas Activity Impacts on Ecosystem Services in the Gulf of Mexico
GM-15-06 Deepwater Coral and Chemosynthetic Atlas and Modeling Program: Gulf of Mexico
GM-16-09a Gulf of Mexico Marine Assessment Program for Protected Species (GOMMAPPS): MarineCadastre Planning Tool and Outreach Support
NT-14-x12 Natural Habitat Associations and the Effects of Dredging on Fish at the Canaveral Shoals, East-Central Florida
NT-15-x12 Using Advanced Population Genomics to Better Understand the Relationship Between Offshore and Spawning Habitat Use for Atlantic Sturgeon

AT-17-x10 Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Field Surveys and Marine Resource Characterization for Offshore Wind Energy Planning Offshore Rhode Island and Massachusetts -Phase 2
AT-19-01 Risk Analysis for Vessel Strikes on Whales from Offshore Wind Development Support Activities
MM-19-02 New York Bight Fish, Fisheries, and Sand Features: Data Review
MM-19-x06 Workshop and research planning to improve understanding of the habitat value and function of frying pan shoals, NC on the Atlantic outer continental shelf
PC-15-02 BOEM-MARINe (Multi-Agency Rocky Intertidal Network)
PC-17-04 Pacific Marine Assessment Partnership for Protected Species

AK-13-03-17 Measuring Wave Forces Along Alaska’s Coastal Sea Ice
AK-13-03-23 High-frequency Characterization of the Physicochemical Parameters of Cook Inlet, Alaska
AK-15-01 Initiating an Arctic Marine Biodiversity Observing Network (AMBON) for Ecosystem Monitoring
AK-19-08 Oil Spill Effects Literature Synthesis: Crude Oil, Diesel, and Condensate Spills 500–20,000 bbls
AT-14-03 Atlantic Marine Assessment Program for Protected Species (AMAPPS II)
AT-16-09 Alternative Oil Spill Occurrence Estimators for Determining Rates for the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf
AT-19-04 Hydrodynamic Modeling and Particle Tracking in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic Bight
NT-12-04 Testing and Evaluation of AERMOD Using AERCOARE and MMIF Meteorological Outputs Representative of the OCS
PC-15-01 Data Synthesis and High-resolution Predictive Modeling of Marine Bird Spatial Distributions on the Pacific OCS