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- Click the checkboxes to tell ESPIS what information to search for. Categories are inclusive; that is, if you select “Region=Alaska” and “Category=Air Quality,” your results will include only those studies that were done in Alaska AND were on the subject of Air Quality.
- Fill in the field(s) with the information you are searching for. Other fields can just be left blank.
a. The text fields will let you search for more than one match – just separate terms with semicolons. Click on the links for help with each one.
b. The Category and Region selection menus also allow you to pick more than one item – just hold down the “Control” key when making multiple selections.
c. When searching by region, note that a "national" study is research that pertains to more than one geographic region (for example, the effects of wind on oil spill spreading). - Press “Submit Query.” NOTE: Once you get your list of results, you will then have the opportunity to perform a further query that focuses only on that list of results