BOEM makes Geological and Geophysical Data publicly available pursuant to current regulations covering data types and propriety terms. These terms and conditions are set forth in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 550 and 551.
Geological and Geophysical data for the Pacific OCS Region may be requested by contacting:
Office of Public Information
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
760 Paseo Camarillo, Suite 102 (CM 102)
Camarillo, CA 93010
Phone: 805-384-6305
Available Data for the Pacific OCS Region
- Pacific OCS Well Locations
- Pacific OCS Directional Surveys
- Pacific OCS Paleontological Reports
- Pacific OCS Well Logs

Seismic Data
- Pacific OCS Non-Proprietary Seismic Data
- Pacific OCS Velocity Well Information
- USGS National Archive of Marine Seismic Surveys (NAMSS)

Geological & Geophysical Permits
- Pacific OCS Geological and Geophysical Permit Query
- BOEM Geological and Geophysical Exploration Permit Forms (BOEM-327, BOEM-328, BOEM-329)