You’re Invited: BOEM’s Environmental Studies Program 50th Anniversary Webinar Series

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This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s (BOEM) Environmental Studies Program (ESP). To commemorate this milestone, BOEM is hosting the third virtual roundtable in the series on Thursday, December 14, 2023, from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Eastern via Zoom.  

Please join us for the webinar, which will bring together members of the next generation of equitable and innovative environmental stewards. Panelists will provide insight into why they chose the energy sector and the U.S. federal government and how they are using innovative thinking and fresh perspectives to tackle ocean and climate issues.  

Space is limited, so registration is required. A recording of the webinar will be made available after the session on  

 Registration for this event is closed.  

BOEM panelists include:  

  • Emily Young, John A. Knauss Climate Science Liaison Fellow, Office of Environmental Programs  
  • Audrey Taylor, John A. Knauss International Relations & Policy Fellow, Office of Strategic Policy and International Affairs 
  • Chloe Vandermolen, John A. Knauss Just Transition Strategist Fellow, Office of Environmental Programs 
  • Bonnie Hester, Management and Program Analyst, Office of Renewable Energy Programs  
  • Dustin Reuther, Social Scientist, Gulf of Mexico Region, Office of Environment 
  • Christina Bonsell, Marine Ecologist, Alaska Region, Office of Environment 
  • Jennifer Kenyon, Program Analyst, Office of Strategic Policy and International Affairs  
  • Juliette Lee, Program Analyst, Office of Strategic Policy and International Affairs (Moderator) 

The ESP was authorized under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA) (43 U.S.C. 1346) in 1973 and provides valuable information to predict, assess and manage impacts from offshore energy and marine mineral exploration, development and production activities on human, marine and coastal environments. This objective, unbiased science has helped inform BOEM’s decision-making for 50 years and ESP looks forward to continuing this tradition for the next 50.  

For additional information on the virtual roundtable series, contact  

-- BOEM --

The Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is responsible for America’s offshore energy and mineral resources. The bureau promotes energy independence, environmental protection and economic development through responsible, science-based management of energy and mineral resources on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf.