On September 29, 2023, BOEM is publishing the Notice of Availability of the Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind Commercial Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS). The FEIS can be accessed using the links below. For more information on the proposed project, visit the Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind Project Page.
- Volume I: Chapters 1-3
- Volume II: Appendices A-L
- Volume III: Appendices M-O
- Individual Appendices:
- Appendix A: Required Environmental Permits and Consultations
- Appendix B: List of Preparers and Reviewers
- Appendix C: References Cited and Glossary
- Appendix D: Analysis of Incomplete or Unavailable Information
- Appendix E: Project Design Envelope and Maximum-Case Scenario
- Appendix F: Planned Activities Scenario
- Appendix G: Assessment of Resources with Minor (or Lower) Impacts
- Appendix H: Mitigation and Monitoring
- Appendix I: Environmental and Physical Settings
- Appendix J: Overview of Acoustic Modeling Report
- Appendix K: List of Agencies, Organizations, and Persons to Whom Copies of the Statement Are Sent
- Appendix L: Other Impacts
- Appendix M: Seascape, Landscape, and Visual Impact Assessment
- Appendix N: BOEM’s Responses to Public Comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement
- Appendix O: Finding of Adverse Effect for the Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind Commercial Construction and Operations Plan