Outer Continental Shelf Central Gulf Lease Sale 157 Sale Statistics

Bid Totals High Bids $520,942,644.00
All Bids $716,059,864.00
Area Offered Blocks 5,649
Acres 30,322,792.332
Receiving Bids Blocks 924
Acres 4,761,166.89
Number of Bids Total 1,381
Average per Block 1.5

Greatest Number of Bids Per Block 10
Map Area(s) and Block Number(s) South Marsh Island Area North Addition 261

Highest Total Bid $11,151,000.00
Map Area(s) and Block Number(s) Mississippi Canyon 941
Number of Bids for Block 5
Company(s) Participating in Bid Vastar Resources, Inc.

Highest Bid per Acre  $4,560.26
Map Area(s) and Block Number(s)  Green Canyon 658
Number of Bids for Block  1
Company(s) Participating in Bid  BP Exploration & Oil Inc.

Bidding Statistics by Water Depth

Number of Blocks with Bids Acres Receiving Bids Sum of High Bids Sum of All Bids
0 - 200 meters  453 2,095,751.99 $262,296,276 $383,484,713
200 - 400 meters  29 138,644.81 $27,664,430 $31,998,759
400 - 800 meters  41 236,160.00 $29,246,093 $36,162,227
800+ meters  401 2,290,610.09 $201,735,845 $264,414,165

Number of Bids per Block by Water Depth
  Total 0 - 200m 200 - 400m 400 - 800m 800+m
1 Bid  647 285 22 29 311
2 Bid  174 107 5 8 54
3 Bid  64 37 2 3 22
4 Bid  18 12 0 0 6
5 Bid  13 6 0 1 6
6 Bid  4 2 0 0 2
7 Bid  1 1 0 0 0
8 Bid  2 2 0 0 0
9 Bid  0 0 0 0 0
10 Bid  1 1 0 0 0

Bidding Statistics by Lease Term
Term Blocks with Bids Acres Receiving Bids Sum of High Bids Sum of All Bids
5 Year
482 2,234,396.80 $289,960,706 $415,483,472
8 Year  56 322,560.00 $37,671,795 $48,932,848
10 Year
386 2,204,210.09 $193,310,143 $251,643,544