Day 3: Thursday, March 9

8:00-8:30 am


XIII. Welcome

8:30-8:45 am

  1. Day 2 Recap and Overview of Day 3

Facilitated by K&W

8:45-10:15 am

XIV. BMPs for Baseline Monitoring

8:45-10:15 am

  1. Panel Discussion on Monitoring for changes in Baseline Conditions
  2. What parameters should be monitored during wind farm operation?
  3. Visual Surveys
  4. Passive Acoustic Surveys
  5. Habitat Parameters

Facilitated by K&W

10:15-10:30 am

XV. Vessel Traffic


10:15-10:30 am

  1. Introduction
  2. Vessel Lanes and Strike Risk in Wind Energy Areas (presentation followed by Panel Q&A)
  3. Existing port traffic
  4. Location of offshore wind energy areas

Desray Reeb, BOEM
Douglas Simpson, USCG District V CIV

10:30-10:45 am


Facilitated by K&W

10:45-12:00 pm

XV. Vessel Traffic (continued)

  1. Panel Discussion: Vessel Strike Risk
  2. Risk
  3. Seasonal speed reduction
  4. Monitoring

Facilitated by K&W

12:00-12:30  pm

XVI. Participant Comment on all meeting topics
(participants should register in advance if they wish to comment)

Facilitated by K&W

12:30-1:30 pm

Break for Lunch

1:30-3:15 pm

XVII. Panelist Discussion on BMPs

  1. Refine BMPs discussed for mitigation, monitoring, reporting, data management
  2. Identify areas of uncertainty
  3. Panel Members Provide Their Independent Recommendations

Facilitated by K&W

3:15-3:30 pm

Wrap Up and Adjourn