Environmental Programs and Assessment Across BOEM
Environmental stewardship is integral to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM)'s mission to responsibly manage development of the Nation's offshore resources: oil and gas, renewable energy, and marine minerals such as sand and gravel. The mission of BOEM's environmental program is to ensure that environmental protection is a foremost concern and an indispensable consideration in BOEM decision making. BOEM's environmental assessment work inspires environmental stewardship through transparent and meaningful environmental reviews, protections, and policy. Our core values of serviceFull consideration of public interest in implementing the Bureau's mission, stewardshipConscientious and responsible management of environmental resources, integrityHonest and transparent approach in every interaction and product, innovationConsistent creativity, resourcefulness, and energy in carrying out duties, and excellenceTranscends personal and organizational challenges to produce exceptional results, enable BOEM's 200 environmental scientists and policy experts to provide the public and other decision makers with a clear understanding of environmental risks and benefits so that these factors can be considered with other factors to meet our Nation's energy and mineral needs.
Click on the following links to learn more about environmental programs and assessment across BOEM:
Alaska RegionLearn who GOMR Alaska Region's Environmental Analysis Program
Atlantic RegionLearn about the Atlantic Region's Environmental Analysis Program.
Oil and GasLearn about BOEM's Oil and Gas National Program.
Marine Minerals ProgramLearn about Marine Minerals Program in your state.
Gulf of Mexico RegionLearn about the Gulf of Mexico Region's NEPA Process.
Pacific RegionLearn about the Pacific Region's Environmental Assessment Program.
Renewable Energy State ActivitiesLearn about BOEM's Renewable Energy State Activities.