BOEM Events

Events Calendar


  • -  | Oxnard, California

    Pacific Section American Association and Petroleum Geologists Annual Conference

    BOEM Pacific office will participate in the PSAAPG conference in Oxnard, CA through session presentations and an informational booth. Pacific-…

  •  |

    Lease Sale 254

  • -  | Camarillo, California

    Overview of BOEM-funded research about fish and fisheries

    Overview of BOEM-funded research about fish and fisheries
    Donna Schroeder,
    Marine Ecologist

    Additional information, including…

  • -  | San Diego, California

    Ocean Sciences Conference

    BOEM’s Guillermo Auad, Donna Schroeder and Sara Guiltinan will host a session titled, Sustaining Ocean Services in Socio-Ecological Systems:…

  • -  | Long Beach, California

    Offshore Oil Platform Decommissioning Forum

    BOEM will have an information table at the event to distribute copies of the California Intergovernmental Decommissioning Working Group’s…

  • -  | Camarillo, California

    Overview of BOEM-funded research about birds and bats

    Overview of BOEM-funded research about birds and bats
    David Pereksta,
    Avian Biologist 

    Additional information, including webinar…

  • -  | Boston, Massachusetts

    Society of Historical Archaeology

    Pacific Marine Archaeologist/ Regional Historic Preservation Officer Dave Ball will participate.


  •  | Durham, New Hampshire 03824

    Gulf of Maine Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Task Force Meeting

    The BOEM Gulf of Maine Task Force is chartered to facilitate coordination and consultation related to renewable energy planning activities on the…

  •  | The Woodlands, Texas

    Offshore Operators Committee Meeting

    Deputy ASLM will deliver keynote. BOEM and BSEE are providing talking points on their respective oil and gas and G&G priorities and…

  • -  | New Orleans, Louisiana 70130

    BOEM Sand Management Working Group Meeting 2019

    Meeting Purpose/Objectives

    • Receive update on BOEM Marine Minerals Program (MMP) and Sand Management Working Group (SMWG) efforts…