Updated: Geophysical, Geotechnical, Geohazard, And Archaeological Guidelines

Release Date

BOEM's Office of Renewable Energy Programs would like to inform you that we have updated our guidelines for providing geophysical, geotechnical, geohazard and archaeological and historic property information for plans. These updates are provided in two new documents:


BOEM first published its Guidelines for Providing Geological and Geophysical, Hazards, and Archaeological Information in April 2011, and revised them in November 2012. These guidelines provided recommendations for the acquisition, processing, and assessment of site characterization data. BOEM requires this information be submitted under its regulations at 30 CFR 585 to allow us to conduct our technical and environmental reviews of an applicant or lessee's plan (i.e., Site Assessment Plan, Construction and Operations Plan, or General Activities Plan) in an informed manner.

Changes to the guidelines being announced today include separation of the geophysical, geotechnical and geohazard guidance from the archaeological and historic property guidance; incorporation of additional information about geotechnical investigations; and inclusion of specific recommendations to lessees regarding data quality, equipment, and deliverables. These updated documents provide expanded and clarified guidance that incorporates the results of recent bureau-funded studies, consultations, and lessons learned from review of previous plans.

Please click here to view these and other survey guidelines, or click here to learn more about BOEM's historic preservation activities.

If you have any questions, please contact me via the information provided below.

Thank you,

Tracey Moriarty
Office of Public Affairs (Offshore Renewable Energy)
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Tel: (703) 787-1571
Cell: (202) 304-6476