Empire Wind Construction and Operations Plan

Volume I – Project Information November 2023

Volumes 2a-f November 2023

Jones Beach Visual Simulation 

Ocean Grove Beach Visual Simulation  

Light House Beach East Visual Simulation

Light House Beach West Visual Simulation

Sailor’s Haven Beach Visual Simulation

Appendix A Coastal Zone Management Consistency Statements  
Appendix B Summary of Agency Engagement  
Appendix C Certified Verification Agent
Appendix D Preliminary Hierarchy of Standards  
Appendix E Conceptual Project Design Drawings
Appendix F Oil Spill Response Plan
Appendix G Safety Management System
Appendix H Marine Site Investigation Report 
Appendix I Metocean Design Basis 
Appendix J Sediment Transport Analysis  
Appendix K Air Emissions Calculations and Methodology  
Appendix L In-Air Acoustic Assessment  
Appendix M Underwater Acoustic Assessment  
Appendix N Information for Planning and Conservation (IPaC) Report and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Natural Heritage Response Letters  
Appendix O Economic Impacts of the Empire Wind Project (EW 1 and EW 2)  
Appendix P Ornithological and Marine Fauna Aerial Survey  
Appendix Q Avian Impact Assessment for the Proposed Empire Offshore Wind: Empire Wind Project (EW 1 and EW 2) in the New York Bight  
Appendix R 2018 Bat Survey Report  
Appendix S Bat Impact Assessment for the Proposed Empire Offshore Wind: Empire Wind Project (EW 1 and EW 2) in the New York Bight  
Appendix T Benthic Resources Characterization Reports  
Appendix U Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Assessment  
Appendix V Fisheries Mitigation Plan  
Appendix W Environmental Mitigation Plan  
Appendix X Marine Archaeological Resources Assessment
Appendix Y Terrestrial Archaeological Resources Assessment  
Appendix Z Analysis of Visual Effects to Historic Properties  
Appendix AA Visual Impact Assessment  
Appendix BB Aircraft Detection Lighting System (ADLS) Analysis  
Appendix CC Obstruction Evaluation & Airspace Analysis  
Appendix DD Navigation Safety Risk Assessment 
Appendix EE Offshore Electric and Magnetic Field Assessment  
Appendix FF Onshore Electric and Magnetic Field Assessment