A Development and Production Plan (DPP) describes oil and gas production activities proposed by an operator for a lease or a Unit. The requirements for a DPP, Revised DPP, or a Supplemental DPP may be found in BOEM’s regulations at 30 CFR 550 Subpart B. These requirements may include the timing of the plan activities, information concerning drilling unit and equipment, a description of the production facilities and pipelines, vessels, the location of each proposed well or production platform or other structure, an analysis of both offshore and onshore environmental impacts that may occur as a result of the plan's implementation, and other provisions that allow BOEM to make a decision to approve, disapprove, or modify the DPP.
Over time, an approved DPP may need to be supplemented or revised. A Revised DPP describes changes to the proposed activities included in a previously approved DPP, but will not require the approval of additional permit(s). A Supplemental DPP describes proposed activities on a lease(s) that were not included in a previously approved DPP and will require approval of additional permit(s). DPPs were also formerly known by the title Plan of Development (POD).
ExxonMobil Corporation (ExxonMobil) has revised its oil and gas Development and Production Plan (DPP) for the Santa Ynez Unit. The DPP revision proposes to replace power cables from state waters to and between Platforms Harmony, Hondo and Heritage in the Santa Ynez Unit on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS).
In accordance with Federal regulations (30 CFR 550.266), BOEM conducted a completeness review of the revised DPP. On June 23, 2014, BOEM deemed the revised DPP submitted (complete).
Copies of the revised DPP information provided to BOEM are available for public review on this webpage (see links below) and in the Pacific Region's Public Information office located at 760 Paseo Camarillo, Suite 102, Camarillo, CA 93010.
Questions can be directed to Pacific Region Office of Strategic Resources at (855) 320-1484.
Revised DPP and Supporting Documents
- ExxonMobil DPP Revision Request
- Attachment A – Project Description
- Attachment B – Executive Plan
- Attachment B – Executive Plan Figures
- Attachment C – Cable Specifications Cover Page
- Attachment D – Cable Route Cover Page
- Attachment E – Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA) – Part 1
- Attachment E – Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA) – Part 2
- Attachment F – Agency Contact Information
- EIA Appendix A – Eelgrass Mitigation Policy
- EIA Appendix B1 – Cable Retrieval Assessment
- EIA Appendix B2 – Supplemental Cable Retrieval Risk Assessment
BOEM Final Decision
BOEM prepared an Environmental Assessment to consider the potential environmental impacts to coastal and marine resources. After completing the assessment, BOEM issued a Finding of No Significant Impact on September 4, 2014. The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) provided a technical review of the project to BOEM on July 31, 2014. On October 03, 2014, BOEM completed its review of the proposed revision to the DPP for the Santa Ynez Unit. Based on this completed review, BOEM concluded that the project is technically and environmentally sound, and complies with Federal OCS oil and gas operating regulations and National Environmental Policy Act. Consequently, BOEM issued an approval notice to ExxonMobil.
Plains Exploration & Production Company (PXP) has revised its oil and gas Development and Production Plan (DPP) for the Point Arguello Unit. The revised DPP proposes to drill two wells from Platform Hidalgo in the Point Arguello Unit to extract Federal oil and gas reserves from Electra field, a previously undeveloped field adjacent to the Unit. Both Platform Hidalgo and Electra field are in existing Federal leases on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS).
In accordance with Federal regulations (30 CFR 550.266), BOEM conducted a completeness review of the revised DPP. On November 15, 2012, BOEM deemed the revised DPP submitted (complete) and commenced a compliance review, part of which is to develop a National Environmental Policy Act document to analyze the potential environmental effects of the proposal.
On November 16, 2012, BOEM provided copies of the revised DPP to Federal, state, and county agencies, and made it available for public review on this webpage (see below links) and in BOEM Pacific Region's public information office (760 Paseo Camarillo, Suite 102 (CM 102), Camarillo, CA 93010). The 60-day public comment period has ended. Comments and recommendations received from reviewers are being considered in BOEM's decision to approve, disapprove, or require modifications to the revised DPP.
Questions can be directed to BOEM Pacific Region Office of Strategic Resources at (805) 384-6305.
Revised DPP and Supporting Documents:
Revisions to the Platform Hidalgo DPP (main DPP document)
Accompanying Information Volume:
1 - Geology
2 - Reservoir Evaluation
3 - Cementing Program and Muds and Cuttings
4 - Gaviota Facilities
5 - Environmental Evaluation
6 - Biological Evaluation of Threatened and Endangered Species
7 - Essential Fish Habitat Assessment
8 - Coastal Zone Consistency Analysis and Findings
Attachment A - Typical Well Control Equipment
Attachment B - Typical Mud System
Attachment C - Estimated Mud Composition
Attachment D - Air Emission and Traffic Data
Attachment E - OSRA Oil Spill Trajectories
Attachment F - Worst Case Spill Calculations
Attachment G - Oil Spill Risk Calculations
Attachment H - Environmental Justice CalculationsAdditional Information:
California Coastal Commission (CCC) asked for additional information and clarification about greenhouse gas emissions, via letter dated 12/5/2012. PXP responded via letter dated 12/13/2012. This correspondence is now available here:
Plains Exploration & Production Company (PXP) Response to Comments and/or Questions:
PXP reviewed the four comment/question letters from the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District, California Coastal Commission, and California Department of Fish and Wildlife which were sent by BOEM to PXP. PXP compiled a response to the comments and/or questions via a letter to BOEM dated 02/15/2013. This correspondence is available below:
The California Coastal Commission hearing scheduled for March 8 was noticed to BOEM. The CCC hearing will address the proposed PXP Development and Production Plan Revision for Platform Hidalgo.
The California Coastal Commission on 03/12/2013 notified BOEM via letter dated 03/11/2013 of the finalized decision/outcome of the CCC consistency review.
BOEM Final Decision:
BOEM on 5/2/2013 completed its review of the proposed revisions to the DPP for the Point Arguello Unit Platform Hidalgo. Based on this completed review, BOEM concludes that the project is technically and environmentally sound, and complies with Federal OCS oil and gas operating regulations and National Environmental Policy Act. Consequently, on 5/3/2013, BOEM issued an approval notice to PXP.
In September 2022, the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) filed lawsuit CBD v. Haaland, Case 2:22-cv-06996. In the lawsuit, CBD alleged a violation of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA) at 43 U.S.C. § 1351(h)(3), which states, “The Secretary shall, from time to time, review each plan approved under this section. Such review shall be based upon changes in available information and other onshore or offshore conditions affecting or impacted by development and production pursuant to such plan.”
As part of a settlement agreement related to the lawsuit, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) committed to completing a review of the Beta Unit Development and Production Plans (DPP) within one year of the start date of December 15, 2023.
BOEM Determination
On December 12, 2024, BOEM completed the review and determined the following:
- In response to an August 2023 proposal from DCOR, BOEM required an update to the Platform Edith DPP. Changes to the Platform Edith DPP are required to include a pipeline conversion and power generation via microturbines. BOEM is currently reviewing the DCOR submission.
- A revision the Beta Unit DPP is required to incorporate mandatory Terms and Conditions from the Endangered Species Act Section 7(a)(2) Biological and Conference Opinion: Development and Production of Oil and Gas Reserves and Beginning Stages of Decommissioning within the Southern California Planning Area of the Pacific Outer Continental Shelf Region NMFS consultation #2023-02183 issued on February 27, 2024.
- No other revisions to the Beta Unit DPP are needed at this time.
Questions can be directed to BOEM Pacific Region Office of Strategic Resources at (805) 384-6305.
Supporting Documents