Science Notes 2015

BOEM Science Notes includes articles aimed to keep our community of stakeholders informed on our ongoing research as it is taking place in the field. Each issue features a BOEM study or other item of interest. 

September 2015

BOEM-Science-Note-September-2015In this issue:

  • As our Nation continues to advance development of clean, offshore renewable energy, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) and its industry and state partners recognize the importance of learning more about environmental impacts and how to manage them.

July 2015

BOEM-Science-Note July 2015In this issue:

  • This month we honor the work of one of our colleagues from the Gulf of Mexico, the late Rezneat (Rez) Milton Darnell, Professor Emeritus at Texas A&M University, Department of Oceanography, and his recently published book, The American Sea: A Natural History of the Gulf of Mexico. Present and former BOEM scientists from our Gulf of Mexico regional office helped shepherd through the completion of the book after Dr. Darnell passed away in 2009. They shared a close association with the professor and the research, which BOEM supported in numerous ways.

March 2015

BOEM Science Note March 2015 CoverIn this issue:

  • A Followup to our August 2014 Note: More on the Science Behind the Atlantic G&G Decision
    This note clarifies terminology used in the Marine Mammal Protection Act and discusses the need for more research on Geological and Geophysical (G&G) Activities.