2001 | ||
2001-102 | Surface Circulation and the Transport of the Loop Current into the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico | |
2001-101 | Long-term Monitoring at the East and West Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary 1998-1999 | |
2001-095 | Management Applicability of Contemporary Deep-Sea Ecology and Reevaluation of Gulf of Mexico Studies | |
2001-094 | Survival of a Hydrocarbon-Utilizing Bacterium when Introduced into Native and Foreign Environments | |
2001-093 | Velocity and Transport Characteristics of the Louisiana-Texas Coastal Current during 1994 | |
2001-087 | 2000 Assessment of Conventionally Recoverable Hydrocarbon Resources of the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic OCS as of January 1, 1999 OCS Report MMS 2001-087 January 1, 1999 | |
2001-086 | Atlas of Gulf of Mexico Gas and Oil Sands as of January 1, 1999 | |
2001-080 | Mississippi/Alabama Pinnacle Trend Ecosystem Monitoring, Final Synthesis Report | |
2001-078 | How Does Produced Water Cause a Reduction in the Genetic Diversity of Harpacticoid Copepods Final Report (Coastal Marine Institute) | |
2001-077 | Across-Shelf Larval, Postlarval, and Juvenile Fish Collected at Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms and a Coastal Rock Jetty West of the Mississippi River Delta | |
2001-066 | Chemistry in the Gulf of Mexico--An Informative Poster and Teacher's Companion | |
2001-065 | The Deep Sea Gulf of Mexico: An Overview and Guide | |
2001-064 | Deepwater Physical Oceanography Reanalysis and Synthesis of Historical Data: Synthesis Report | |
2001-063 | Spatial and Temporal Variability of Plankton Stocks on the Basis of Acoustic Backscatter Intensity and Direct Measurements in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico | |
2001-057 | Investigation of Pressure and Pressure Gradients along the Louisiana/Texas Inner Shelf and Their Relationships to Wind Forcing and Current Variability | |
2001-054 | Dispersion in Broad, Shallow Estuaries: A Model Study | |
2001-052 | Air Quality: User's Guide for the Gulfwide Offshore Activities Data System (GOADS) Final Report | |
2001-050 | Improved Geohazards and Benthic Habitat Evaluations: Digital Acoustic Data with Ground Truth Calibrations | |
2001-044 | Daily Oil and Gas Production Rate Projections From 2001 Through 2005 Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf | |
2001-037 | The Promise of Deep Gas in the Gulf of Mexico | |
2001-026 2001-027 |
Assessment of Historical, Social, and Economic Impacts of OCS Development on Gulf Coast Communities, Volume I: Executive Summary and Volume II: Narrative Report | |
2001-025 | Wind and Eddy-Related Circulation on the Louisiana/Texas Shelf and Slope Determined from Satellite and In-Situ Measurements: October 1993-August 1994 | |
2001-020 | Lafourche Parish and Port Fourchon, Louisiana: Effects of the Outer Continental Shelf Petroleum Industry on the Economy and Public Services, Part 2 |
2001-019 | Lafourche Parish and Port Fourchon, Louisiana: Effects of the Outer Continental Shelf Petroleum Industry on the Economy and Public Services, Part 1 |
2001-013 | Forecasting the Number of Offshore Platforms on the Gulf of Mexico OCS to the Year 2023 | |
2001-011 | Deepwater Program: Literature Review, Environmental Risk of Chemicals Used in Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Oil and Gas Operations,Volume I: Technical Report and Volume II: Appendices | |
Feb 2001 | Comparative Risk Analysis of Deepwater Production Systems |