2009 | ||
2009-010 | Quality Control and Analysis of Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Data Collected on Offshore Platforms of the Gulf of Mexico | |
2009-013 | Foraminiferal Communities of Bathyal Hydrocarbon Seeps, Northern Gulf of Mexico: A Taxonomic, Ecologic, and Geologic Study | |
2009-022 | Estimated Oil and Gas Reserves Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf, December 31, 2005 | |
2009-023 | Loop Current Frontal Eddies Based on Satellite Remote Sensing and Drifter Data | |
2009-032 | Post-Hurricane Assessment of Sensitive Habitats of the Flower Garden Banks Vicinity | |
2009-039 | Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Slope Habitats and Benthic Ecology Study: Final Report | |
2009-043 | Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus) Use of the Ship/Trinity/Tiger Shoal Complexas a Nationally Important Spawning/Hatching/Foraging Ground: Discovery, Elevation, and Sand Mining Recommendations Based on Blue Crab, Shrimp, and Spotted Seatrout Finding | |
2009-046 | Investigations of Chemosynthetic Communities on the Lower Continental Slope of the Gulf of Mexico, Interim Report 2 | |
2009-048 | Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)-Related Pipelines and Navigation Canals in the Western and Central Gulf of Mexico: Relative Impacts on Wetland Habitats and Effectiveness of Mitigation. | |
2009-050 | Observation of the Deepwater Manifestation of the Loop Current and Loop Current Rings in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico | |
2009-051 | Proceedings: 25th Annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, January 2009 | |
2009-055 2009-056 2009-057 2009-058 |
Synthesis, Analysis, and Integration of Meteorological and Air Quality Date for the Gulf of Mexico Region: Volume I: User's Manual for the Gulf of Mexico Air Quality Database (Version 1.0). Volume II: Technical Reference Manual for the Gulf of Mexico Air Quality Database. Volume III: Data Analysis. Volume IV: CART Analysis of Modeling Episode Days | |
2009-059 | Evaluation of Oil and Gas Platforms on the Louisiana Continental Shelf for Organisms with Biotechnology Potential | |
2009-060 | Modeling Waves and Currents Produced by Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma | |
2009-064 | Estimated Oil and Gas Reserves Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf, December 31, 2006 |