Lease Information
- Sales Held: 12
- Total Active Leases: 30
- Blocks Offered: 1,887
- Producing: 30
- Leases Issued: 470
- Non-Producing: 0
- Active Acres Leased: 152,578
OCS Lease Maps
The Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act authorizes the Federal Government, through the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), to grant leases to the highest bidder for the exploration, development and production of oil and gas on the Outer Continental Shelf (generally defined as the submerged lands lying around and outside three geographical miles off each state). These rights are conveyed by contracts referred to as leases. Each lease covers up to 5,760 acres and is generally a square measuring 3 miles by 3 miles. Under a lease, a company may explore and develop the mineral resources within that area. Before approving plans for exploration or development, BOEM carefully reviews them to ensure that the proposed activities will be conducted in a safe and environmentally sound manner and that the interests of key stakeholders are effectively addressed.
The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement Pacific Region is responsible for oversight of oil and gas platform infrastructure and operations in federal waters off California.
- Pacific OCS Platforms
- Procedures for Change of Existing and New Operator
- Property Lists
- Combined Lease Status Report
- Decommissioning
- Forms Used by Permittees, Lessees & Operators
- Free ASCII Data: | Leasing | Pipeline | Production | Platforms
- Lease Summary Report
- Serial Register Report on Active Leases
- Lease/Unit Operatorship
- Status of Leases and Qualified Companies
- Unit Agreement Files
- Revised Development and Production Plans
- Relinquishments and Lease Expirations