CVOW Commercial COP Sections
- CVOW Commercial COP Executive Summary and Table of Contents
- CVOW Commercial COP Sections 1-3; Introduction, Project Siting and Design Development, Description of Proposed Activity
- CVOW Commercial COP Section 4.1 Physical Resources
- CVOW Commercial COP Section 4.2 Biological Resources
- CVOW Commercial COP Section 4.3 Cultural Resources
- CVOW Commercial COP Section 4.4 Socioeconomic Resources
- CVOW Commercial COP Section 5 References
- Appendices
- Appendix A Safety Management System
- Appendix B Preliminary Hierarchy of Standards
- Appendix C Marine Site Investigation Report
- Appendix D Benthic Resource Characterization Report
- Appendix E Essential Fish Habitat Assessment Part 1
- Appendix E Essential Fish Habitat Assessment Part 2
- Appendix F Marine Archeological Resource Assessment
- Appendix G Terrestrial Archaeological Resource Assessment
- Appendix H1 Historic Properties Assessment
- Appendix H2 Onshore Historical Resources Visual Effects Analysis (HRVEA) Part 1
- Appendix H2 Onshore Historical Resources Visual Effects Analysis (HRVEA) Part 2
- Appendix H3 Offshore HRVEA Part 1
- Appendix H3 Offshore HRVEA Part 2
- Appendix H3 Offshore HRVEA Part 3
- Appendix H4 Correspondence
- Appendix I-1 Visual Impact Assessment, Offshore
- Appendix I-2 Visual Impact Assessment, Onshore
- Appendix J Sediment Transport Analysis
- Appendix K Conceptual Project Design Drawings
- Appendix L Summary of Agency and Stakeholder Engagement Part 1
- Appendix L Summary of Agency and Stakeholder Engagement Part 2
- Appendix L Summary of Agency and Stakeholder Engagement Part 3
- Appendix M Certified Verification Agency Nomination
- Appendix N Air Emissions Calculations and Methodology
- Appendix O1 Avian and Bat Impact Assessment
- Appendix O2 Offshore Bat
- Appendix O3 Northern Longeared Bat Presence/Absence Mist-Netting Survey Report
- Appendix P Coastal Zone Management Act Consistency Certifications
- Appendix Q Oil Spill Response Plan
- Appendix R Threatened and Endangered Species Review
- Appendix S Navigation Safety Risk Assessment
- Appendix T Obstruction Evaluation and Additional Analysis
- Appendix U – Wetland Delineation Report Part1
- Appendix U – Wetland Delineation Report Part2
- Appendix U – Wetland Delineation Report Part3
- Appendix V-1 Fisheries Communications Plan
- Appendix V-2 Fisheries Mitigation and Monitoring Plan
- Appendix V-3 Fisheries Compensatory Mitigation Plan
- Appendix W Preliminary Cable Burial Risk Assessment
- Appendix X Metocean Assessment (Confidential and Proprietary)
- Appendix Y In-Air Acoustic Assessment
- Appendix Z – Underwater Acoustic Assessment
- Appendix AA Offshore Electric and Magnetic Field Assessment
- Appendix BB Onshore Electric and Magnetic Field Assessment
- Appendix CC Seabed Morphology Study
- Appendix DD Section-106 Phased ID Plan
- Appendix EE-1 Socioeconomic EJ Studies
- Appendix EE-2 Environmental Justice Screening Report
- Appendix FF Protected Species Mitigation and Monitoring Plan