October/November/December 2012

- The Marine Minerals Program: Meeting the Needs of Our Nation's Coastline
- The Value of Marine Minerals Program Studies
- The Success of Marine Minerals Program Projects
- Spotlight on Studies: Gulf of Mexico Hydrates and the Hydrate Research Consortium
- Preserving History Within Sand Extraction Areas
- The Marine Mineral Resource Potential of the Pacific Outer Continental Shelf
- New Waves: Late-Breaking News and Information
- Science in Transformation
- Traditional Knowledge and Sociocultural Studies
- Subsistence Use Mapping Reveals Valuable Traditional Knowledge
- Integrating Traditional Knowledge into Biological Resource Studies
- Cultural Landscapes: Traditional Knowledge Across the Pacific Rim
- Fenton Rexford (Interview), Tribal Administrator of the Native Village of Kaktovik
- Where Do We Go From Here?

- BOEM’s Renewable Energy Program: Smart Initiatives Lead to Offshore Progress
- Roundup of State Activities
- BOEM and Partners to Study Offshore Renewable Energy: Collaboration Pursues Answers to a Sea of Development Questions
- Evaluating Potential Visual Impacts on Historic and Cultural Resources
- Spotlight on Studies: Compendium of Avian Information and Comprehensive GIS Database for the Atlantic
- For the Birds: An Overview of Renewable Energy-Related Avian Studies