New York Bight

What's New?

On Oct. 21, 2024, BOEM announced the availability of its Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (Final PEIS) for potential development of six wind lease areas offshore New York and New Jersey in an area known as the New York Bight. On Oct. 25, 2024, BOEM will publish a notice of availability of the Final PEIS.  

Detailed information about the Final PEIS, can be found on BOEM’s website.  

Environmental Justice Forums Completed

BOEM held Environmental Justice Forums for New York & New Jersey over the course of the PEIS development period, on a quarterly basis through July 2024.  These forums were intended to be bidirectional information sharing sessions, co-designed with participants, including federal agencies whose work overlaps with the BOEM activities, state agencies, and community-based organizations. More information can be found at New York & New Jersey Offshore Wind Environmental Justice Forums.


There are six leases in the New York Bight. 

For up-to-date leasing information, including the original lease and any lease amendments that may have occurred since initial lease execution, visit the Lease and Grant Information page.

New York Bight Final Sale Notice Lease Area Descriptive Statistics

The following table contains a custom OceanReport and a description of each New York Bight lease area.


OCS-A 0537

OCS-A 0538

OCS-A 0539

OCS-A 0541

OCS-A 0542

OCS-A 0544



Bluepoint Wind, LLC

Attentive Energy LLC

Community Offshore Wind, LLC

Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind Bight, LLC

Invenergy Wind Offshore, LLC

Vineyard Mid-Atlantic, LLC


Ocean Reports[1]Ocean ReportOcean ReportOcean ReportOcean ReportOcean ReportOcean Report










Developable acres[2]








Installation Capacity (MW)[3]








Homes powered[4]








Power production (MWh/yr)[5]








Max depth (meters[m])








Min depth (m)








Closest distance to NY (nautical mile [nmi])








Closest distance to NJ (nmi)








[1] OceanReports were generated on September 22, 2022.
[2]Developable area accounts for any “no surface occupancy” area in the lease which prohibits permanent placement of an object, such as a wind turbine, on the ocean surface.
[3] Energy capacity is based on a conservative power density of 3 MW/kilometers2. BOEM acknowledges that as offshore wind technology improves the projects proposed in the lease areas may have a greater installation capacity.
[4] Number of homes powered is based upon 350 homes per MW.
[5] Power production formula is Capacity (MW) * 8760 (hours/year) * 0.4 (capacity factor).

The visual impact assessment includes photo simulations for the six New York Bight lease areas from numerous Key Observation Points (KOPs) and provides an analysis of the approximated visibility of potential development.  The photo simulations show current conditions and illustrate potential changes to the ocean character and views from onshore locations. In addition, simulations illustrate cumulative visual effects by the six New York Bight leases plus non-New York Bight leases that are currently under review or have been approved that are located within the PEIS affected viewshed, and simulations that show only the non-New York Bight leases within the PEIS affected viewshed.  

The PEIS simulations predate leaseholders submitting their respective Construction and Operations Plans (COPs). The simulations use two representative project scenario heights for the wind turbine hub and tip of blade and the same wind turbine spacing for the analysis. A wind turbine tip of blade height of 1,312 feet was used to represent a maximum impact scenario, and a wind turbine tip of blade height of 853 feet was used to represent a feasible impact scenario based on the tallest wind turbine commercially available today. COPs for the six lease areas are likely to propose using wind turbine at heights below the 1,312 feet in height.     

Of the 32 KOPs, 17 were selected for visual simulations and are presented below. 

Map of key observation points (KOPs) used in the NY Bight visual impacts analysis
Figure 1. Map of key observation points (KOPs) used in the NY Bight visual impacts analysis.

The Draft Programmatic EIS Appendix H – Seascape, Landscape, and Visual Impact Assessment references the photo simulations and may be downloaded here, or from the following links for the photo-simulations only.

BOEM recommends viewing the simulations in accordance with the instructions below for viewing printed photos or on-screen viewing to fully understand the overall horizontal and vertical size and scale of the development represented in the photo simulations. Each simulation contains instructions for viewing with a scaling bar.  Once the scale is set, it is likely that the simulation will be larger than the monitor’s screen, which will require using the panning tool for the viewer to pan across the screen to see the full scope of the affected view.

Photo simulations are presented in two formats: panoramic photo format, which approximates the human-field-of-view, and single frame photo format equivalent to a photo taken with a 50 mm lens on a 35 mm full-frame camera, which represents the “normal” camera lens field-of-view. Each format set has a purpose.

The panoramic photo format approximates the human field-of-view and illustrates the horizontal breadth a person may see when standing at the location and looking in the direction the photo was taken. This photo informs the viewer how much of horizontal span of view would be occupied by the project without moving the head from side to side.  However, the panoramic photo simulation does not properly illustrate the vertical size and scale of the wind turbines and other offshore facilities associated with the wind energy development.

The single frame photo series in the simulations are cropped equivalents of a photo taken with a 50 mm lens on a 35 mm full-frame camera approximates the size and scale of the project’s offshore wind turbines and other associated offshore facilities at the photo-point location.  However, the horizontal field-of-view in the single frame is considerably less than the human field-of-view.

Photo simulations of the six NY Bight lease areas from select KOPs (Figure 1) may be viewed or downloaded using the links below. For the most accurate viewing, we recommend using zoom to Fit the Window for the 124 degree panoramas and zoom to 100% for the 50 mm cropped equivalent photo simulations.

New York Bight Photo-Simulations by KOP from North to South

In addition to the photo simulations described above, 360° surround view simulations were produced from KOPs. The 360° surround view simulations enable the onscreen viewer to pan from left to right as if they are standing at the KOP and looking full circle to see the entire physical context of the KOP location and its orientation to the ocean view. These cannot be downloaded, but may be viewed on the screen at:

NY bight WEA Map
Final WEA Map

Unsolicited Lease Request Offshore New York

On December 30, 2016, PNE Wind USA, Inc. submitted an unsolicited lease request for 40,920 acres offshore New York.

Call for Information and Nominations

BOEM published a Call for Information and Nominations (Call) on April 11, 2018 to obtain nominations from companies interested in commercial wind energy leases within the proposed area in the New York Bight. This region represents an area of shallow waters between Long Island (to the north and east) and the New Jersey coast (to the south and west).

View the NY Bight Call Area in the Northeast Ocean Data Portal.

Public Engagement

More information can be found on the New York Activities page:

Wind Energy Areas

In March 2021, BOEM identified nearly 800,000 acres as Wind Energy Areas (WEAs) in the New York Bight, between Long Island and the New Jersey coast. The agency initiated an environmental review, with public input, on these areas in federal waters for potential offshore wind leasing.

The goal of BOEM’s Area Identification process is to identify the offshore locations that appear most suitable for wind energy development taking into consideration coexistence with ocean users. As part of this process, BOEM removed areas of highest conflict from consideration. BOEM received input from the public and other governmental agencies through the Call for Information and task force meetings as part of the process. The New York Bight WEAs are located in an area of shallow waters between Long Island (to the north and east) and the New Jersey coast (to the south and west).

Department of Defense (DoD) Assessment

DoD’s Military Aviation and Installation Assurance Siting Clearinghouse (Clearinghouse) has been leading DoD’s review of the New York Bight Wind Energy Areas in support of BOEM’s efforts to deconflict the area.  In June 2021, the Clearinghouse provided an update to their December 15, 2020 assessment by providing feedback on lease areas proposed in the Hudson South Wind Energy Area.  In summary, the Clearinghouse has refined its analysis and indicated that a majority of the area that was initially designated as incompatible for wind energy development could be suitable for development with site-specific stipulations.  A more complete summary of the updated assessment can be found on our website here:

Proposed Sale Notice

BOEM published a Proposed Sale Notice (PSN) in the Federal Register on June 14, 2021. It provides detailed information about potential areas that could be available for leasing, proposed lease provisions and conditions, auction details (e.g., criteria for evaluating competing bids and award procedures), and lease execution.  The proposal included up to eight lease areas in the New York Bight for potential commercial wind energy development. The lease areas have the potential to unlock over 7 gigawatts of offshore wind energy, powering over 2.6 million homes and supporting thousands of new jobs.

The comments received in response to this notice can be found here:

Final Sale Notice and Shared Vision for the New York Bight

On Jan. 12, 2022, Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland announced that BOEM would hold a wind energy auction on Feb. 23, 2022, in the New York Bight. 

Secretary Haaland was joined by New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy and New York Governor Kathy Hochul to outline their shared vision for developing a robust offshore wind domestic supply chain that will deliver benefits to residents of New York and New Jersey and the surrounding region, including underserved communities. This collaboration will serve as a model for future engagement and establish the U.S. as a major player in the global offshore wind market. 

Commercial Leases

On  Feb. 23, 2022, BOEM held an offshore wind auction for six lease areas in the New York Bight.  The lease sale drew competitive winning bids from six companies totaling approximately $4.37 billion. For up-to-date leasing information, including the original lease and any lease amendments that may have occurred since initial lease execution, visit the Lease and Grant Information page.

New York Bight NOI Environmental Assessment

On Mar. 29, 2021, BOEM released a Notice to Stakeholders (NTS) announcing its intent to prepare an Environmental Assessment (EA) to consider the potential environmental consequences of site characterization activities (i.e., biological, archeological, geological, and geophysical surveys and core samples) and site assessment activities (i.e., installation of meteorological buoys) associated with issuing commercial and research wind energy leases in the WEAs, project easements associated with each lease issued, and grants for subsea cable corridors in the New York Bight. BOEM received approximately 3,000 comment letters during the 30-day scoping period (Docket number BOEM-2021-0021), which are available at

New York Bight Draft Environmental Assessment

On Aug. 10, 2021, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management announced the availability of a draft environmental assessment (EA) that assesses the potential impacts of the issuance of commercial and research leases within the identified wind energy areas (WEAs) of the New York Bight, and granting of rights-of-way and rights-of-use and easement in the region. 

The availability of this EA initiated a 30-day public comment period. The public comment period was subsequently extended to September 23, 2021. During the public comment period, BOEM hosted two virtual meetings to allow the public to learn more about the draft EA, ask questions, and provide oral testimony.  

The virtual meetings were held on:

  • Wednesday, Aug. 25, 2021 at 5:00 PM Eastern
  • Thursday, Aug. 26, 2021 at 1:00 PM Eastern

For more information, please see: NY Bight EA Virtual Meeting Room.  

New York Bight Final Environmental Assessment

On Dec. 16, 2021, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management announced the availability of a final environmental assessment (EA) that assesses the potential impacts of the issuance of commercial and research leases within the identified wind energy areas (WEAs) of the New York Bight, and granting of rights-of-way and rights-of-use and easement in the region.  

The EA considers potential environmental consequences of the Proposed Action, which includes site characterization activities (i.e., biological, archeological, geological, and geophysical surveys and core samples) and site assessment activities (i.e., installation of meteorological buoys). The EA also considers project easements associated with each potential lease issued and grants for subsea cable corridors in the New York Bight. 

BOEM has considered the evaluation of the potential effects of the Proposed Action and has determined that the Proposed Action would not cause any significant impacts, and implementing the Proposed Action does not constitute a major federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment within the meaning of Section 102(2)(c) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. 

New York Bight NOI Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement

On July 15, 2022, BOEM published a Notice of Intent (NOI) to prepare the New York Bight Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS), which will analyze potential impacts from anticipated offshore wind energy development in the six New York Bight lease areas executed in May 2022. This PEIS adds another level of environmental review to the leasing and development process; additional project-specific reviews are still required prior to a project being approved, disapproved, or approved with modifications.  

Any lease-specific environmental review will be updated on the lease pages. 

On Aug. 11, 2022, BOEM extended the public comment period with an Extension Notice for the New York Bight PEIS which closed on August 30, 2022. Comments can be viewed at the following website:

During the public comment period, BOEM hosted three virtual public meetings where the public could learn more about the project, ask questions, and provide oral testimony. For more information, please visit the NY Bight PEIS Virtual Meeting Room.

New York Bight NOA Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement 

On Jan. 8, 2024, BOEM announced the availability of its Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (Draft PEIS) for potential development of six wind lease areas offshore New York and New Jersey in an area known as the New York Bight. On Jan. 12, 2024, BOEM published a notice of availability of the Draft PEIS, opening a 45-day public comment period that ended on Feb. 26, 2024.  

BOEM subsequently extended the comment period until March 13 in response to requests from Tribal Nations and stakeholders.

Detailed information about the Draft PEIS, can be found on BOEM's website.  

BOEM held three in-person and two virtual open meetings to receive public comment.

The in-person meetings were held on/at:

  • Feb. 5, 2024, North Dartmouth, Mass.
  • Feb. 7, 2024, Stony Brook, N.Y
  • Feb. 8, 2024, Toms River, N.J.

The two virtual meetings were held on:

Information related to the public meetings can be found in the New York Bight Virtual Meeting Room

New York Bight NOA Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement  

On Oct. 21, 2024, BOEM announced the availability of its Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (Final PEIS) for potential development of six wind lease areas offshore New York and New Jersey in an area known as the New York Bight. On Oct. 25, 2024, BOEM will publish a notice of availability of the Final PEIS.